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Define the terms of symptoms and situations for dementia patients.

Terms of dementia symptoms :

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They wouldn’t typically make; they may also withdraw from work and social activities, especially if starting to recognize that they have some cognitive impairment. If you might also see changes in their mood or personality, and as the individual progresses through the disease, every person will experience different symptoms. But some common symptoms locksmiths wickford often want to know what can you expect in terms of the symptoms that your loved one might exhibit. So this is a great chart they took from a book by Molly carpenter, confidence to care, and it goes over some of the symptoms that a loved one might experience again. It’s hard to say if every individual will experience these symptoms; some might experience more than others.

The graphic shows the kind of AIM grade; if the color changes, there are symptoms on the left-hand side. That might be frustrating to the family caregiver, and then it ranges to those in the darker color on the right-hand side symptoms. That might cause harm to the individuals or those providing care homes southend and support. So it’s essential to understand these symptoms and what might trigger them and find ways to reduce or minimize part of you to fit the symptom. Or redirect the individual and family caregivers, put on their detective hats a lot of the time to figure out if an underlying factor might be causing some of these symptoms.

That is especially helpful as the individual progresses through the disease because they might lose their ability to communicate their needs verbally, so they might be expressing them in some of these symptoms. So, if you encourage caregivers to put on that detective hat and do a quick check, are any of these categories of needs or unmet needs able to explain the symptoms?

Caretakers manage the situation :

So sometimes you must think to yourself, is it an emotional need, a social need, a physical need, or something in the environment? That is causing the individual to get upset or disoriented; you want to give just two quick examples. So, for instance, if the individual was pacing back and forth and unable to express their need at that time, it might be because the care home’s Doncaster was trying to find something; maybe it’s the restroom. Maybe they’re trying to get to a particular room of the house, and perhaps they can’t verbally express that, and they’re trying to navigate their way. So directing them to the restroom or to areas that you might think they’re trying to get to could help meet two of those needs. They’re trying to express another example: if you are out in a public place or at a family gathering and you, the individual with dementia, are getting agitated or a little frustrated, it could be something in the environment.

There are too many people around, perhaps too loud they’re overstimulated, so if this is the case, the family caregiver might suggest moving to a quieter space for that individual to be by themselves. If you have a couple of visitors at a time if it’s a family gathering, or perhaps there’s a different house room. That’s a little quieter where they can spend time still engaging with others but again, the environment is more inviting for where they’re at in the disease process. So those are just two quick examples of how family caregivers can put on that Detective hat, but you might start to notice.

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